End-to-end accountability for the entire software lifecycle

Software Custodian allows us to manage your software and data on your behalf, upholding your commitment to stakeholders, safeguarding compliance and accountability without interruption.

Illustration Depicting the Software Lifecycle Dashboard

We support all popular developer platforms. 50+ Integrations available.

Trusted partner of these great brands from around the world!

Axxiome Logo Intuit Logo Bayer Logo Slate Digital Logo Colorado Logo Zynga Logo Gorenje Logo Axxiome Logo Intuit Logo Bayer Logo Slate Digital Logo Colorado Logo Zynga Logo Gorenje Logo Axxiome Logo Intuit Logo Bayer Logo Slate Digital Logo Colorado Logo Zynga Logo Gorenje Logo
Pepsico Logo General Electric Logo Mercedes Benz Logo Nestle Logo Airbus Logo The Economist Logo Pepsico Logo General Electric Logo Mercedes Benz Logo Nestle Logo Airbus Logo The Economist Logo Pepsico Logo General Electric Logo Mercedes Benz Logo Nestle Logo Airbus Logo The Economist Logo

Do you have full control over your software and data?

Full control over your Software Illustration

Navigating the intricate landscape of modern software management, you're tasked with maintaining unwavering compliance across an array of internal and vendor platforms.

It's not just about being compliant — it's about having the capability to act decisively on compliance matters at any time, even during or after disaster events.

Do these hurdles sound familiar?

Vendor Complexity Icon

Vendor Complexity:

Faced with a web of third-party services, how do you streamline compliance?

Access Anxiety Icon

Access Anxiety:

How confident are you in your ability to quickly access all your software assets and data in an emergency?

Compliance Challenges Icon

Compliance Challenges:

Is ensuring industry compliance across all your software and data stores becoming an overwhelming task?

Collaborative Oversight Icon

Collaborative Oversight:

When managing multiple stakeholders, is the challenge of unified oversight impeding your operational flow?

Compliance Readiness Icon

Compliance Readiness:

Can you effectively enact strategic compliance actions under any operational scenario?

Software Custodian doesn't just aid in your compliance journey; it empowers you with the tools and authority to execute compliance-related actions on your behalf.

Our comprehensive disaster recovery suite ensures compliance is maintained, even in the face of adversity.

How do you guarantee data compliance if your vendor goes down?

Laws and regulations are clear, you are responsible for data throughout its entire life cycle, even if it’s stored at your vendors. You are responsible.

Inaccessible data due to vendor lock-in

Audit failure and compliance violations

Data custody gaps

Illustration: Guarantee Data Compliance
Illustration: Who keeps track of which data

Who keeps track of which data is where?

Dealing with many vendors can make you lose control over crucial aspects of your compliance management.

When your client asks you to perform regulated privacy operations what do you do?

Do you check on how your vendors handle your data so that you can be audited and remain compliant?

Without controlling the entire stack (software, data, hosting environment, 3rd party services) you are still at risk.

Your data is a valuable asset; managing it shouldn't be a burden.

In a regulatory landscape that demands rigorous data oversight, Codekeeper's Software Custodian is your strategic ally.

We understand the weight of responsibility that comes with data stewardship and the complexity of adhering to stringent regulations.

Our Software Custodian service is meticulously designed to ensure that your company not only meets but exceeds compliance standards, safeguarding data throughout its entire lifecycle.

Let’s transform regulatory complexity into operational excellence.

Illustration: Dedicated team focussed on software escrow

These companies already secured their compliance. Will you start today?

Illustration representing companies that benefit from the service
Background Illustration of the bottom left section Background Illustration of the bottom right section

Your Software Custodian Action Plan

Navigate the software lifecycle with accountability and compliance at every turn:

Circle Icon

Step 1: Demo & Discovery Call

Begin with a tailored consultation to understand how Software Custodian fortifies your compliance strategy across all platforms and vendors

Circle Icon

Step 2: Plan Selection & Registration

Choose a service package that matches your specific compliance requirements, ensuring complete data governance and protection.

Circle Icon

Step 3: Implement & Integrate

Seamlessly integrate our Software Custodian system with your operations, and begin centralizing your data management and compliance monitoring.

Navigate the Software Lifecycle Illustration
See Pricing Details

Arrows IconReady for Accountability

Software Custodian

Invite your clients and/or vendors and take control over the entire digital data and software lifecycle and guarantee compliance to all your stakeholders.

Illustration: Dashboard to secure your Software Operations Accountability

The central dashboard allows you to quickly set up and manage all aspects for your organization.

Explore All Features
Illustration Designed for Life Cycle Control

Designed for Life Cycle Control

Use all disaster recovery solutions and extend it with services to make sure you are compliant with all regulations.

A comprehensive enterprise wide disaster recovery plan in one easy to use control centre.

Software & Backup for you and your vendors

Software Escrow for when vendors go down

SaaS Escrow for Continuity of operations

Extended with Software Custodian to perform all operations to ensure compliance and accountability

Data Operations & SLA Performance

As custodian we handle data operations in catastrophic situations where you or vendors can’t.

GDPR & Other privacy framework operations

Service Level Agreement operations support

Certified removal of data and digital records

Data migration and export

Illustration Data Operations & SLA Performance
Software Custodian Certificate Illustration

Software Custodian Certificate

Naming us custodian of your software and data means you have full independent accountability to stakeholders that requirements will be met. If for whatever reason you can’t, we handle it for you.

Use for Disaster Recovery Planning purposes

Use for certification scenarios (ISO27001, SOC2, etc)

Proposal and RFP tender requirements and guarantees

Regulated Markets

Several industries require special attention to handling data. Requirements that don’t end when disaster strikes you or your vendors. We handle your data management requirements.


Healthcare & Life sciences

Government & Defense

Regulated Markets Illustration
Software Custodian Shield Icon

Software Custodian

End-to-end accountability for your digital assets lifecycle.

Software Escrow Shield Icon

Software Escrow

Securely store your software assets, ready for quick recovery.

Illustration: Secure Storage of Source Code - Heart of Your Organization
Learn more
Software Backup Shield Icon

Software Backup

Source code and application data backup made easy.

Illustration: Secure Storage of Source Code - Heart of Your Organization
Learn more
SaaS Escrow Shield Icon

SaaS Escrow

Securely store your software assets, ready for quick recovery.

Illustration: SaaS Escrow to Securely store your Software Assets
Learn more

We support most commercially available environments.

50+ Integrations available

Make it easy for your developers to keep the deposited source code and data up-to-date using our library of integration options.

Explore Integrations

Don’t let complexity in your software operations impact your compliance

Full life cycle control over your software and data is imperative

When accountability is non-negotiable, you need a robust framework to maintain integrity at every phase.

Operational Disruption Icon

Operational Disruption

Each gap in data management can lead to operational delays, affecting service delivery and client satisfaction.

Regulatory Noncompliance Icon

Regulatory Noncompliance

Without a vigilant custodian, you risk breaches in data compliance, inviting legal scrutiny and penalties.

Stakeholder Mistrust Icon

Stakeholder Mistrust

A single oversight can damage the trust you've meticulously built with clients, investors, and regulatory bodies.

Full lifecycle control over your software and data

Take control over the entire application stack, including vendors and their vendors. Guarantee enterprise-level compliance to your clients

Illustration: Software Custodian Dashboard

Software Custodian

Register and start your implementation today.

Control your applications and data

Multi-layer: Internally, with vendors, (and their vendors)

You have a solid legal framework in place

Fully automated process

SaaS Escrow Shield Icon

Looking to lower costs? Scale down to SaaS Escrow

Next level protection for cloud-native applications. Make sure your systems remain online when disaster strikes.

From$189per application per month

Learn more
Illustration: Dashboard to secure your Software Operations Accountability

Our Features

Discover the Codekeeper Advantage: Intuitive, reliable and comprehensive features at your fingertips.

Illustration of Privacy Operations

Privacy Operations: Handled!

Custodian allows us to perform operations on your own data, as well as vendor data. With this service, guarantee compliance to any stakeholder.

Service Level Agreement Operations

Just like with regulated requirements, Codekeeper handles your Service Level Agreement operations on your software or data. We ensure you are protected against any agreement breaches.

Illustration of Agreement Operations
Illustration of Regulatory Requirements

Regulatory Requirements

Need to guarantee compliance with data availability / storage requirement regulations when data is stored at a vendor? We do this for you.

Other features

Jurisdiction Selection Icon

Jurisdiction Selection


Optimize compliance management, ensuring your data storage adheres to regional regulations and legal standards.

Certified Deposit Icon

Certified Deposit


Guarantee the integrity of your digital assets with automated content and activity verifications.

Storage Region Selection Icon

Storage Region Selection


Keep your digital assets close to home and under trusted jurisdiction.

Storage Icon

1TB storage available

Every Codekeeper Software Custodian account comes with 1TB of storage space, providing ample room for your data needs right from the start.

Platform Icon

One-stop asset management platform

Experience the future of digital asset management with Codekeeper's all-in-one platform.

Concierge onboarding Icon

Concierge onboarding

Our complete, expert support will help you seamlessly integrate our solutions into your workflow.

Why people choose Codekeeper

Software Custodian

Illustration of Unique Lifecycle Approach

Unique Lifecycle Approach

We allow you to take charge of your entire software operations life cycle without distinguishing between internal and vendor operated applications. This puts you in command and control.

Ease of Use, even in complex situations

Enterprise software operations are large in scale. You need a solution that can handle the complexity but still deliver the control you need for your stakeholder compliance.

Illustration of Software Custodian Dashboard
Diverse Integrations Library for seamless source code integration

Integrations library

Integrations are a key component to make your compliance strategy succeed. We offer a range of integrations and allow custom integrations for internal software.

Human Touch Support

We believe technology should be used to drive efficiency, except in providing your support and on boarding asisstance. We provide fanatic support.

Illustration of Human Touch Support

Guarantee full life cycle compliance in a few simple steps

Step 1

Invite your team and vendors to the platform

Illustration Invite your team
Illustration Vendor Platform
Illustration of Custodian Dashboard
Step 2

Set up the custodian operations that we should handle for you

Illustration of Custodian Operations
Step 3

Guarantee handling of your regulated data and SLA’s

Illustration of Data Being Processed
Illustration of Software Lifecicle Dashboard
Active Escrow Icon

Ready for Accountability!

You have set up all you need to make sure your organization is fully accountable for your software operations life cycle.

For more details, let our experts assist you.

Book a Demo
Software Backup Icon
Software Backup
Software Escrow Icon
Software Escrow
SaaS Escrow Icon
SaaS Escrow
Software Custodian Icon
Software Custodian

Usage Context

Internal Clients / Vendors Clients / Vendors Internal / Clients / Vendors

Protection Level

Recovery Recovery Recovery + Continuity Recovery + Continuity
+ Accountability

Legal Framework

- Circle Check Icon Circle Check Icon Circle Check Icon

Source Code

Circle Check Icon Circle Check Icon Circle Check Icon Circle Check Icon


Circle Check Icon Circle Check Icon Circle Check Icon Circle Check Icon

Hosting Environments

- - Circle Check Icon Circle Check Icon

3rd Party Providers

- - Circle Check Icon Circle Check Icon

Data Operations

- - - Circle Check Icon

SLA Performance

- - - Circle Check Icon
Background Illustration of the bottom left section Background Illustration of the bottom right section

Software Escrow

Managed Software Icon

Managed Software Backups included

Software Escrow Included Icon

Software Escrow Included

Cloud Icon

SaaS Escrow Included

Handling Operations Icon

Handling of your regulated and SLA operations

Concierge Supported Icon

Concierge Supported end-to-end

Enterprise-grade security Icon

Enterprise-grade security

Customer Support Icon

24/7 customer support

Navigate the Software Lifecycle Illustration
Explore Pricing

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Software Custodian and its primary purpose?

    Down Icon
  • Software Custodian offers end-to-end accountability for the entire software lifecycle, managing your software and data on behalf of your organization. It ensures compliance, safeguards against data loss, and maintains operational integrity without interruption.
  • How does Software Custodian ensure compliance across all software and data stores?

    Down Icon
  • By navigating the complex landscape of software management and vendor platforms, Software Custodian ensures unwavering compliance and the capability to act on compliance matters decisively, even in disaster scenarios, through comprehensive disaster recovery suites and proactive compliance tools.
  • Can Software Custodian streamline compliance with multiple vendors?

    Down Icon
  • Yes, Software Custodian addresses the challenge of vendor complexity by providing collaborative oversight and tools that streamline compliance processes across a web of third-party services, ensuring unified compliance and operational flow.
  • What makes Software Custodian different from traditional compliance and data management services?

    Down Icon
  • Unlike traditional services, Software Custodian empowers organizations with tools and authority to execute compliance-related actions effectively, ensuring operational readiness under any scenario, and maintaining compliance even when vendors face disruptions.
  • How does Software Custodian handle access to software assets and data in emergencies?

    Down Icon
  • Software Custodian ensures quick and reliable access to all your software assets and data in an emergency, mitigating access anxiety and ensuring that your operations can continue uninterrupted, even in the face of adversity.
  • What industries benefit most from Software Custodian?

    Down Icon
  • Software Custodian is particularly beneficial for industries with stringent compliance requirements, such as finance, healthcare, government, and defense, providing specialized attention to data handling and management requirements that persist even during disasters.
  • How does Software Custodian manage the lifecycle of digital assets?

    Down Icon
  • It offers full lifecycle control over your software and data, from secure storage and quick recovery of assets to ensuring enterprise-level compliance across the entire application stack, including vendors and their vendors.
  • What happens if a vendor goes down? How does Software Custodian maintain compliance?

    Down Icon
  • In the event a vendor goes down, Software Custodian maintains compliance by taking proactive measures, such as making necessary arrangements to keep hosting and support services running or quickly recovering data, to ensure no interruption in compliance or operations.
  • How does Software Custodian contribute to stakeholder trust and satisfaction?

    Down Icon
  • By ensuring no gaps in data management and maintaining rigorous compliance, Software Custodian prevents operational delays, regulatory noncompliance, and breaches in data privacy, thus upholding the trust and satisfaction of clients, investors, and regulatory bodies.
  • How can I get started with Software Custodian for my organization?

    Down Icon
  • To get started with Software Custodian, review our features on the website, understand the scope of services tailored to your industry requirements, and contact us for a detailed discussion on how we can tailor our solution to meet your specific compliance and data management needs.
  • Show more questions + Show less questions -

Haven’t found the answer you were looking for? Contact us

Let's Start with Disaster Recovery Planning

Use our free Disaster Recovery Planning tool to monitor your assets, identify risks and structure mitigating measures. All from one dashboard.

Illustration: Disaster Recovery Planning for Guaranteed Continuity
Illustration: Disaster Recovery Planning Toolkit

Disaster Recovery Planning Free Toolkit

Register for free and start planning your approach today.

Information Assets List

Internal and External Data Management Systems

Risk Register (use for your ISO27001/SOC2)

Risk Mitigation Methods

Trusted partner of these great brands from around the world!

Illustration representing companies that benefit from the service
Decorative Small Shape Decorative Large Shape
Illustration: Our Expert

A session with our expert

Schedule a session with one of our advisors to get a personalized demo and discuss your situation. Bring all your legal, technical and other questions!

Book a Demo

Select your

Software escrow plans are per application. Add more when needed in your account.

Software Custodian Icon

Software Custodian

Software Custodian Single Icon


Select this plan to provide life cycle accountability for a single client or vendor.

Client/Vendor Relationship Icon1 Client/Vendor Relationship

Privacy Operations IconPrivacy Operations

Regulatory Operations IconRegulatory Operations

Also included solutions:

Disaster Recovery Planner IconDisaster Recovery Planner

Software Backup IconSoftware Backup

Software Escrow IconSoftware Escrow

SaaS Escrow IconSaaS Escrow


Per application per month, paid monthly

Setup Fee


Software Custodian Icon

Software Custodian

Software Custodian Multi Icon


Select this plan to provide life cycle accountability for for up to 5 clients or vendors.

Client/Vendor Relationship Icon5 Client/Vendor Relationships

Privacy Operations IconPrivacy Operations

Regulatory Operations IconRegulatory Operations

SLA Operations IconSLA Operations

Also included solutions:

Disaster Recovery Planner IconDisaster Recovery Planner

Software Backup IconSoftware Backup

Software Escrow IconSoftware Escrow

SaaS Escrow IconSaaS Escrow


Per application per month, paid monthly

Setup Fee


Software Custodian Icon

Software Custodian

Software Custodian All Icon


Select this plan to provide life cycle accountability for all your clients or vendors.

Client/Vendor Relationship IconAll Client/Vendor Relationships

Privacy Operations IconPrivacy Operations

Regulatory Operations IconRegulatory Operations

SLA Operations IconSLA Operations

Also included solutions:

Disaster Recovery Planner IconDisaster Recovery Planner

Software Backup IconSoftware Backup

Software Escrow IconSoftware Escrow

SaaS Escrow IconSaaS Escrow


Per application per month, paid monthly

Setup Fee


Software Custodian Icon

Software Custodian

Software Custodian Single Icon


Select this plan to provide life cycle accountability for a single client or vendor.

Client/Vendor Relationship Icon1 Client/Vendor Relationship

Privacy Operations IconPrivacy Operations

Regulatory Operations IconRegulatory Operations

Also included solutions:

Disaster Recovery Planner IconDisaster Recovery Planner

Software Backup IconSoftware Backup

Software Escrow IconSoftware Escrow

SaaS Escrow IconSaaS Escrow


Per application per year, paid annually

Setup Fee


Software Custodian Icon

Software Custodian

Software Custodian Multi Icon


Select this plan to provide life cycle accountability for for up to 5 clients or vendors.

Client/Vendor Relationship Icon5 Client/Vendor Relationships

Privacy Operations IconPrivacy Operations

Regulatory Operations IconRegulatory Operations

SLA Operations IconSLA Operations

Also included solutions:

Disaster Recovery Planner IconDisaster Recovery Planner

Software Backup IconSoftware Backup

Software Escrow IconSoftware Escrow

SaaS Escrow IconSaaS Escrow


Per application per year, paid annually

Setup Fee


Software Custodian Icon

Software Custodian

Software Custodian All Icon


Select this plan to provide life cycle accountability for all your clients or vendors.

Client/Vendor Relationship IconAll Client/Vendor Relationships

Privacy Operations IconPrivacy Operations

Regulatory Operations IconRegulatory Operations

SLA Operations IconSLA Operations

Also included solutions:

Disaster Recovery Planner IconDisaster Recovery Planner

Software Backup IconSoftware Backup

Software Escrow IconSoftware Escrow

SaaS Escrow IconSaaS Escrow


Per application per year, paid annually

Setup Fee


Add ons

Certified Badge IconCertified

Get automated monthly content and activity verification reports (supported platforms only)

Learn more


per month

Certify your disaster preparedness for next level certainty about your recovery process


per month

Certify your disaster preparedness for next level certainty about your recovery process


per month

Advanced Deposits IconAdvanced Deposits

Upgrade your depositing configuration options to make sure your escrow is easy to maintain.

Show Features

Hide Features


per month


per month


per month

Storage Region Icon

Storage Region Selection

Need your data locally? Select your preferred location from more than 60+ regions across the world.

IP Whitelisting Icon

IP Whitelisting

Connect to IP protected servers to allow taking automated deposits.

Deposit History Icon

Deposit History

Store the entire history of deposits made into the escrow, storing each version.

Advanced Integrations IconAdvanced Integrations

Set up the integration you need to make sure your assets are automatically secured.

Show Features

Hide Features


per month


per month


per month

MySQL Icon


Azure DB Icon

Azure DB

Microsoft Office Icon

Microsoft Office

Dropbox Paper Icon


Google Docs Icon

Google Docs

Google Cloud Icon

Google Cloud

1Password Icon


Nord Pass Icon

Nord VPN

Cinema 4D Icon

Cinema 4D

Adobe Creative Cloud Icon

Adobe CC

Figma Icon


And many more

Compliance Support SLA IconCompliance Support SLA

Maximize security and compliance features to ensure that both critical and sensitive data is always kept safe and secure.

Show Features

Hide Features


per month


per month


per month

Due Diligence Support Icon

Due Diligence Support

Get our team to fill out your (recurring) security documentation and questionnaires.

Security Audit Support Icon

Security Audit Support

Get our team to assist with audits for your certifications and/or regulatory requirements.

Vendor Screening Support Icon

Vendor Screening Support

Get our team to assist you with your recurring vendor screening procedures.

GDPR Data Processing Icon

GDPR Data Processing

Apply GDPR regulations and data processing rules to your deposited information.

HIPAA Data Processing Icon

HIPAA Data Processing

Apply HIPAA requirements to the storage of your data.

Please select your plan

Add ons:



per month

All plans include

Platform features IconUser features

Multi-factor authentication at login

Depositor dashboard access

Software escrow certificate

File features IconAdministrative features

Multiple payment method options

Monthly payment schedule

Annual payment schedule (10% discount)

Compliance features IconCompliance features

ISO 27001 information management security

ISO 27001 data center security

Legal features IconSoftware Escrow features

Software escrow certificate

Beneficiary dashboard access

Legally sound escrow arrangement

Customizable templates

Customizable release terms

Jurisdiction choices

Liability SLA options

24/7/365 Release Processing

Support features IconSupport features

Concierge onboarding

Email support

Chat support

Depositing features IconDepositing features

Unlimited asset deposits

24 hr Asset sync

Automated notifications

Integration with popular SCM platforms

SaaS features IconSaaS features

Unlimited Hosting environment providers

Unlimited third-party service providers

Service Continuity Coverage options

SaaS escrow certificate

Offer Made Image

Get an offer made just for you

Don’t see a plan that meets your needs?
Send us your current requirements, and we’ll send you a tailored offer.

Philosophy Image Background

Codekeeper Pricing Philosophy

Software escrow is comparable to your home insurance:
It's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

We use the latest developments in technology and automation services to offer you the best industry-related prices, guaranteed.

Image Customised Escrow

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What payment methods do you support?

    Down Icon
  • We support all major credit cards. As subscriptions are processed using Chargebee and payments are processed using Stripe, you may see these names appear on your credit card statement.
  • Can I change my payment method after signing up?

    Down Icon
  • Yes, you can update your payment method at any time. To do so, log in to your Codekeeper account, navigate to the Billing section, and update your payment information. If you need assistance, please contact our customer support team.
  • Do you support pay-by-invoice?

    Down Icon
  • Yes, we do. You can simply send us an email at service@codekeeper.co and request that your account be set to pay-by-invoice.
  • What pricing plans do you offer? Are there any setup fees for using Codekeeper's escrow services?

    Down Icon
  • You can find information on our pricing plans and setup fees on the page above. If you have any questions that are not answered on this page you can get in touch with us by sending an email to contact@codekeeper.co.
  • How does the billing cycle work?

    Down Icon
  • Billing cycles are based on the date you sign up for a plan. Monthly plans will be billed every month on the same date, while annual plans will be billed once a year.
  • Are there any additional fees for adding more users to my account?

    Down Icon
  • As long as the users are team members and not escrow counterparties, there are no additional costs involved.
  • How secure is my payment information?

    Down Icon
  • We take security very seriously and use industry-standard encryption and security measures to protect your payment information. Your credit card details are never stored on our servers and are securely processed by our payment processor.
  • Is there a discount for annual billing?

    Down Icon
  • Yes, we offer a discount for customers who choose to pay annually. The discounted rate for each plan can be found on our pricing page. By selecting annual billing, you can enjoy a lower overall cost compared to monthly billing.
  • Can I get a custom plan if my requirements don't fit any of the listed plans?

    Down Icon
  • We understand that every organization's needs are unique. If your requirements don't fit within our standard pricing plans, please contact our sales team at sales@codekeeper.co to discuss a custom solution tailored to your specific needs.
  • Are there any fees for depositing or updating source code?

    Down Icon
  • No, there are no fees for depositing or updating source code within the limits specified by your chosen plan. If your needs exceed these limits, please contact our sales team to discuss upgrading your plan or creating a custom solution.
  • How do I know which pricing plan is right for my organization?

    Down Icon
  • Our pricing plans are designed to accommodate various types and sizes of organizations.
  • Will I get a VAT invoice?

    Down Icon
  • Yes. If you enter your VAT information during sign-up, you'll receive an invoice specifying the VAT amounts. All listed prices of Codekeeper services do not include VAT.
  • Can I change my plan after signing up?

    Down Icon
  • You can make changes to your plan at any time. Please note that we do not offer refunds for downgrades. To change your plan, just send us an email with your new requirements; we will validate the necessary configuration and send you a custom offer to ensure you’re only ever paying for what you really need.
  • Can I get a refund if I cancel after signing up?

    Down Icon
  • No. We do not offer refunds unless there is an extenuating circumstance.
  • How do I contact you if I have questions before signing up?

    Down Icon
  • We would love to show you around our platform and answer any of your questions. You can schedule a 30-minute demo call with one of our specialists here.
  • Show more questions + Show less questions -

Haven’t found the answer you were looking for? Contact us

Let's Start with Disaster Recovery Planning

Use our free Disaster Recovery Planning tool to monitor your assets, identify risks and structure mitigating measures. All from one dashboard.

Illustration: Disaster Recovery Planning for Guaranteed Continuity
Illustration: Disaster Recovery Planning Toolkit

Disaster Recovery Planning Free Toolkit

Register for free and start planning your approach today.

Information Assets List

Internal and External Data Management Systems

Risk Register (use for your ISO27001/SOC2)

Risk Mitigation Methods

Trusted partner of these great brands from around the world!

Illustration representing companies that benefit from the service
Decorative Small Shape Decorative Large Shape
Illustration: Our Expert

A session with our expert

Schedule a session with one of our advisors to get a personalized demo and discuss your situation. Bring all your legal, technical and other questions!

Book a Demo